Question Search(For Online Quiz)

2 min readMay 6, 2020



Hello Guys, Today is a Wonderful day and I want to show you something that might help you in giving online quiz.

The below software is created by me and it can search a given string within 7 sec which is very fast as compare to old typing method.

Features of this Software are:

  1. It does google search for your question.
  2. It takes input from your screen (if the text is disabled to select than also).
  3. You can search for specific site for answer.
  4. it is very easy to use.
  5. search for you within 5 seconds.

How to Use:

  1. If you want to search question on specific site you can do that by just writing a name of site you want to search, and if you don’t give any site name it will give results from another websites.

2. How to select a text:

First click on select button then, move your mouse over the question start(mouse position should be in upper left position of question) and then press “p” to select that point.

similarly select second point by placing mouse to the right bottom of question and then press “p” to select that point.

3. now it will automatically search for that question on google.

How it Works:

  1. it takes screenshot of your area selected, it takes 2 point on the screen, which makes rectangle.
  2. and then OCR do its work and convert image into text.
  3. then that text is searched on google.
  4. If you give site name it search for that site in google like “ your_string +”.
  5. Thanks to google which has everything that is needed for this software.
  6. here tesseract ocr is used to convert image to text.
  7. google search engine is used to do search.
  8. python is used to develop this software.

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I am a Software Developer with an innovative thinking sense who loves to develop high-end software with a piece of extraordinary knowledge.